Financial Professional Shirley Adams

Shirley Adams - ChFEBC

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Shirley Adams - ChFEBC

Shirley Adams, Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant and financial advisor, through Money Concepts Capital Corp., with Benefit Planning, Inc. in Elkhart, Indiana, has been serving clients in the federal market since 1990. As an advisor, Shirley specializes in retirement planning and federal benefit planning for Federal Employee Retirement System and Civil Service Retirement System employees. Shirley has a thorough understanding of the federal benefits system, including pension estimates, TSP, FEGLI, survivor benefits, CSRS voluntary contributions and deposits and re-deposits. Shirley’s philosophy is to always do what is best for the client.

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Shirley Adams - ChFEBC

Shirley Adams, Chartered Federal Employee Benefit Consultant and financial advisor, through Money Concepts Capital Corp., with Benefit Planning, Inc. in Elkhart, Indiana, has been serving clients in the federal market since 1990. As an advisor, Shirley specializes in retirement planning and federal benefit planning for Federal Employee Retirement System and Civil Service Retirement System employees. Shirley has a thorough understanding of the federal benefits system, including pension estimates, TSP, FEGLI, survivor benefits, CSRS voluntary contributions and deposits and re-deposits. Shirley’s philosophy is to always do what is best for the client.


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Shirley Adams is an independent contractor of Money Concepts

note: Adams and Adams, Corp is an independent firm and not affiliated with Money Concepts

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